Monday, October 26, 2009

Art in all forms- right now it is the thread..

lately, i have been gathering all the knowlege i can about the "art  of knitting."  I say art of knitting, because in my opinion, it is an art to be proficient. It takes coordination, of which i am working on. Being a southpaw, Lefty, whatever, being Left handed,  is a challenge for me because most all instructions are written for righties. I desire to become proficient in this art form, not only to sate my thirst for the thread, but to express my creativity in a new dimension. As i gather my hooks and needles and threads and settle in for the fall/winter cycle,  i suspect that i shall be learning..learning...learning, and that is a good thing.  Hopefully by the spring I will have something worthy of my time. Possibly a scarf to warm me from the cold that will be along soon enough.

Friday, October 23, 2009

It is the time of year when...

you start to think about: the holidays approaching, the family dear and near, far away and departed, young ones, old ones and all the in between ones. Family is the most important thing in the world to me. For instance, my daughter, has such a talent for Photography, she INSPIRES me. My son, who is the most incredible dad to his twins, he INSPIRES me. My husband, who in the face of adversity, (economic) has remained positive through it all, he INSPIRES me. I must say, I am so fortunate to have a connected family. All of them, they INSPIRE me. So looking ahead to the season of change, Mother Nature, in all her glory, she INSPIRES me.
My sweet granddaughters working at the pumpkins, cleaning, and having fun!